Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Gift to You From Us: Be My Valentine!

Valentine's Day offer art of life health centre, Toronto, Don Mills and Eglinton, February 14, 2011
Poster: Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day Special Offer February 14, 2011
2011 @

Buy a Gift Certificate for the Compression Therapy

at 70% OFF its regular price before February 14th, 2011.

This unique therapy detoxifies cells, enhances immune system, balances energy

and relives any kind of stress! It is also the best weight loss treatment!

Give your loved one a real art of healthy life!

If you need more information,
give a call to Ludmila at 416-449-6747
or send us an e-mail at
or check our web-site:

Happy Valentine's Day!