Dear friends,
We would like to inform you that we started a new healing and development program for children and adults based on the best of classical music.
Meditative Classes: Healing Influence of Classical Music
Unique healing and development program based on the best of classical music for children in different age group and for adults.
Friday at 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Free Introductory Class.
Do you know that classical music helps to harmonize and heal your mind and body?
Healing effect of music is known from Ancient Greece. Pythagoras (fl. 530 BCE) considered musical harmony as a microcosm and part of Universe Order. He suggested that the human soul could be perfected through sublimely composed music. Our world is full of sounds, sounds of humans’ hearts, which create a World Symphony. This Symphony can destroy or revive our World.
“When we talk about sound healing, we’re dealing with energy, a power that has the ability to rearrange molecular structure. First, everything is in a state of vibration, from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, to planets and distant galaxies moving around stars. As they’re creating movement, they are creating vibration, and this vibration can be perceived of as sound. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system of the body is creating a sound. When we are in a state of health, we’re like an extraordinary orchestra that’s playing a wonderful symphony of the self.” - Jonathan Goldman
Program created in a form of musical story using great variety of classical music themes.
Programs focus on healing influence of music:Developing elements of musical programs:
- Relaxation of peripheral nervous system.
- Stress reduction in central nervous system.
- Healing influence of music on circulatory system.
- Therapeutic influence of music on lymphatic system.
- Relaxation of mind; free thoughts of strict predefined complexes and stereotypes.
- Stress reduction through elimination of the negative and self-centred emotions.
- Changing negative emotions to positive comprehension of our life.
- Healing influence of music on bones and joints.
- Developing physical and mental co-ordination.
- Harmonizing aura. Final class.
Instructor: Larissa Zoubareva, Master of Music Degree
- Development of imagination, creative abilities and realize potential talent.
- Development of musical taste, intelligent listening and understanding musical logic.
Location: Suite 121, 885 Don Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
Entrance to the free parking is from Gervais Drive via Wynford Drive
Get a map and/or directions:
Google Map: 885 Don Mills Road
At the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
Taking public transit?
Take the Yonge-University-Spadina subway line to the Eglinton station and transfer to the Eglinton East (route 34) bus. Get off at Don Mills Road.
Or, take the Bloor-Danforth subway line to the Pape station and transfer to the Don Mills (route 25) bus. Get off at Wynford Drive.
Our neigbours are the Ontario Science Centre and Celestica International Inc. manufacturing site.
If you need more information,
give us a call at 416-449-6747
or send an e-mail at
or check our web-site:
The Art of Life Health Centre invites you to orchestrate a balanced, more harmonious life through the universal power of sound.
The Art of Life: Classical Music Healing Power Presentation The Art of Life: Music Meditative Classes
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1 comment:
Inside Toronto Events: Meditative classes for hyperactive children: Healing Influence of Classical Music
Headline: Healing Influence of Classical Music
Start time: Friday, November 5, 2010 - 6:00PM
End time: Friday, November 5, 2010 - 7:00PM
Type: Health > Clinics/Workshops > Services
Audience: Children
Price: $ 200
10-week Meditative program for hyperactive children.
It's been proven by scientists that Classical Music can heal our mind and body, i.e. boost immune system, eliminate depression, improve blood circulation etc.
It also changes our horizons of learning & the way of thinking and as a result, the way of acting.
Contact Information
Name: Larissa
Phone: 416-449-6747
Alt. Phone: 416-574-0018
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