Part 2: Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!
by Galina Kyreyeva
Part 2: Compression Therapy
Compression therapy is a process of forcing pressure onto a body to stimulate lymph drainage and blood circulation.The ART of LIFE Health Centre
For the past few years special systems of compression have been developed and implemented, resulting in healing and preventative treatments taking into consideration the individual data of patients. In the Art of Life Centre two new methods of compression therapy are used; each one consists of a device pumping pressure, a special costume (trousers or boots, jacket or sleeve) and a computer that is individually programmed and controls the whole process. Every part of a costume is divided into several segments (6-12), which according to the program is filled with air, creating a certain pressure and than deflated. This process imitates natural muscle contractions. Splendid! This is one more system, whereby you can improve your health, get younger and increase your body’s energy while resting.
Compression therapy executes two main functions: massage and lymph drainage. Massage is performed as pressing in different parts of the costume in different regimen. Segmental pressing on the body creates the effect of four-handed massage. Besides, segmental pressing is perceived comfortably and less stressful for the body. Lymph drainage is a gradual pressing in costume segments starting from the lower extremities and upwards. You get the sensation of a rolling wave. This procedure influences the activation of lymph and blood circulation throughout entire body, the removal of excess liquid, exchange products and toxins, the eliminating of oedema, the toning up of blood vessels; overall it provides a complex therapeutic effect. We have to note that after a compression session your immune system and stress resistance increase tremendously.
A compression session improves venous blood circulation, activates exchange processes in the skin and fat cells, has spasmolitic and vaso-dilating effects, and cures varicose veins. Because its influence on the body is very gentle, compression therapy is greatly recommended for those patients who cannot perform lymph drainage through electrostimulation, ultrasound, and electrophoresis on muscle tissues.
Compression therapy is recommended as a cure for different kinds of oedema, paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteohondrosis, post traumatic affection, neuralgias, depressions, neurosis, bowel indisposition, prostate problems, men’s impotency and other diseases. It can also help in reducing surplus weight, cellulite, and in shaping the figure.
The combination of compression and wrapping therapies produces amazing results. Before the procedure they put sea weed cream or mask on your skin, then they wrap you in a special cosmetic wrap and finally dress you in a presso-costume resulting in a double effect. The third component of the procedure is rest and pleasant feelings. The psycho-emotional state after the procedure gives one a considerable healing and cosmetic effects. Health, cheerfulness, lightness, and joy of living – these are the feelings after the procedures.
This is the information about only two methods of restoration of your health and good mood that the Art of Life suggests. I would like to tell you more about the special warm atmosphere in the Centre, where you would be able to receive a boost in your energy; tell you about new European equipment in it etc. In a nutshell: the Art of Life enables you to find balance and harmony in thoughts, feelings, and sound body.
If you wish to experience it come and enjoy! You will be glad you did!
Galina Kyreyeva,
Where Your Healing Happens!
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
directions: 885 Don Mills Road
at the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
phone: 416-449-6747
e-mail: office @ theartlife.ca
website: http://theartlife.ca
Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!
Introduction: Testimonials
Part 1: Thermotherapy
Part 2: Compression Therapy
by Galina Kyreyeva
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