Choose the youth + chose the art of life!!!
The ART of LIFE Natural Health Centre
Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!by Galina Kyreyeva Introduction: TestimonialsMy desire to share the results of treatment in the Natural Health Centre "The Art of Life" had dawned upon me after conversation with the patients that were resting like all of us after the procedures in a cozy waiting room by the aquarium. Home-like relaxed atmosphere favoured 'accidentally' met people to a friendly chat. Instead of a typical conversation about health problems, everyone was eager to share their success stories after visiting the Centre. Following are the stories of the patients that I happened to come across that day:
Inna B., 76 years old.
"At my age I’ve got a problem - my legs become tired and swollen in no time. Half an hour standing was my limit, afterwards I needed a prolonged rest. I had almost had accepted the situation sentencing myself to irreversible health changes. Anyhow, life is full of wonders!
I happen to read a newspaper about European physiotherapy that is widely used in the Art of Life Centre – compression therapy which precisely helps with different kinds of edemas. Being skeptical by nature, I still decided to try. And here is my result! After five sessions we went for a walk with my granddaughter for four hours and stopped only once to have a drink. Next time I came for a procedure in a better mood and trusting the specialists. My expectations had come true. I can say with assurance, that my whole body underwent improvement, not only concerning my legs. I feel sound, vigorous, and younger. I even wished for alterations and decided to change curtains at home. It is only my sixth session! What is to be expected after perhaps a dozen?!"
Olga B., 51 years old
"For my high-end boutique with ladies fashion clothing – I always have to be in a good mood and look great. Sometimes it is very difficult to be optimistic and cheerful by the end of the day; my feet are 'burning' and my thoughts are only preoccupied with after work relaxation. My girlfriend has suggested to me to visit the Centre which specializes in swollen leg problems by means of new European technology. So, I decided to try, with nothing to loose.
I could not even imagine that equipment for ladies in need is so accessible. The naturopathic doctor had recommended me thermo and compression therapy combination, taking into consideration the specific character of my work and slight overweight. Right after a few sessions results were noticeable not only for me but for my friends and acquaintances. My clients were first to ask what did I do to look so great and to loose so much weight. The secret is very simple – The Art of Life! It is most important for me that I feel better not only physically but psychologically too. And there is no magic…F"
Tatiana R., 45 years old
"Several years ago I underwent a serious operation, since then I had a constantly swollen hand. Whatever I tried a swollen hand persisted and lymphatic nodes were painful to the point that I could not even sleep. By taking lymph and compression therapy I finally got rid of discomfort and pain in my hand and armpits. My hand is not as good as it was before the operation, but I can say with confidence that it will definitely be as it was before in the near future."
Are you surprised? I feel the same. It happens to be very simple – contemporary technology and science are devoted to our health. During that friendly chat I was resting after the massage, the variety of which is superb and the effect is excellent. Afterward I decided to try compression therapy and infrared wrap. I would like to share with you my impressions. Right after the first session I no longer felt fatigue for the whole week. I felt a burst of energy and cheerfulness. It seemed like a second wind. During the second session I received not only compression therapy but thermotherapy in addition. Unexpectedly for me, though the staff had acquainted me with the healing effects of the procedure, my chronic arthritis had reacted positively. I felt lightness in my movements, constant pain had drastically decreased, and my spirits were uplifted. When undergoing thermotherapy I imagined myself on a sunny beach by the ocean. Moreover, the external effect was tremendous. My figure had slimmed; a smile had refreshed my face. There is a reason that people say:" You look the way you feel." Thus I have lost some weight and look three years younger. I wish you the same!
Galina Kyreyeva,
The ART of LIFE Natural Health Centre
Where Your Healing Happens!
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
directions: 885 Don Mills Road
at the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
phone: 416-449-6747
e-mail: office @
website: links:Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!
Introduction: Testimonials
Part 1: Thermotherapy
Part 2: Compression Therapy
by Galina Kyreyeva
Choose the youth + chose the art of life!!!Part 1: Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!by Galina Kyreyeva Part 1: ThermotherapyHere is some information that for me, a physicist seems very important. Infrared radiation – the part of the sunlight spectrum, that is invisible to the human eye –happens to be the main source of energy for our Earth. Healing with warm light has been known from ancient times, but equipment that heals in a proper range of frequencies has appeared relatively recently. They use the range of infrared radiation that heals the most and corresponds with the natural body radiation; hence is not harmful to the human’s body. That is the device that is used in The Art of Life. It allows the setting of different temperatures and lengths of time on different parts of the body that enables to use it with medical, cosmetic, and preventative purposes; therefore creating an individual and optimal approach to each patient. Infrared radiation penetrates into your body as deep as 4cm, thus increasing its temperature. It is definitely a specific soft heat that calms and relaxes. Infrared radiation penetrates into every part of the body – tissues, organs, muscles, bones, and joints. While increasing the overall body’s temperature we increase the blood flow and other fluids circulation in the body; consequently improving the cells’ metabolism, nourishment of tissues, oxygen supply, and strengthening of the immune system.
Even deep “dry” heat is indispensable for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and other chronic diseases. Application of thermotherapy is also recommended for back pain relief. These procedures are effective for kidney diseases and catarrhal illnesses. Besides that, therapeutic influence of infrared heat helps to regenerate the skin. That is why it is recommended for skin diseases as well.
It is interesting to know that warming up the body causes sweating; during this procedure the temperature reaches only 40 – 60C, which is completely not stressful for the body. It should be noted that the amount of sweat discharged during the half hour procedure exceeds twice – thrice the same sauna index at 110C during the same period of time.
Due to improved blood circulation, metabolism activation, and intensive sweating, detoxification and waste substances, such as fat, cholesterol, toxins, acids, and slag, elimination happen faster in a body. Not the least of the factors is the healing effect of infrared wrap on the immune and nervous systems. As a result, the general health index improves and the body’s immunity to any illness as well. It is not easy to enumerate the positive effects of thermotherapy on the body as well as on the psycho-emotional state.
The below comparison will help you appreciate the effectiveness of thermotherapy:
According to medical calculations, 50 min of thermotherapy session burns 900-2400 calories that correlates to 10-15 kilometer run. For the same period of time you burn 500 calories when swimming, 440 calories when playing tennis, and 375 calories when biking.
It is not difficult to conclude that the application of thermotherapy on a regular basis can help you balance your weight, slim your figure, while toning the muscles, and tightening the skin. After one session you can easily loose 1 kg of weight and reduce your waste line by 1-2 cm. It is quite invigorating – your body is actively engaged, purified and getting younger when you lay in a cozy warm wrap!
To achieve even more impressive results, to reinforce the effects and to improve yourself from a health point of view, sessions of thermotherapy are combined with the compression therapy.
Galina Kyreyeva,
The ART of LIFE Natural Health Centre
Where Your Healing Happens!
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
directions: 885 Don Mills Road
at the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
phone: 416-449-6747
e-mail: office @
links:Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!
Introduction: Testimonials
Part 1: Thermotherapy
Part 2: Compression Therapy
by Galina Kyreyeva
Choose the youth + chose the art of life!!!
Part 2: Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!by Galina Kyreyeva Part 2: Compression TherapyCompression therapy is a process of forcing pressure onto a body to stimulate lymph drainage and blood circulation.
For the past few years special systems of compression have been developed and implemented, resulting in healing and preventative treatments taking into consideration the individual data of patients. In the Art of Life Centre two new methods of compression therapy are used; each one consists of a device pumping pressure, a special costume (trousers or boots, jacket or sleeve) and a computer that is individually programmed and controls the whole process. Every part of a costume is divided into several segments (6-12), which according to the program is filled with air, creating a certain pressure and than deflated. This process imitates natural muscle contractions. Splendid! This is one more system, whereby you can improve your health, get younger and increase your body’s energy while resting.
Compression therapy executes two main functions: massage and lymph drainage. Massage is performed as pressing in different parts of the costume in different regimen. Segmental pressing on the body creates the effect of four-handed massage. Besides, segmental pressing is perceived comfortably and less stressful for the body. Lymph drainage is a gradual pressing in costume segments starting from the lower extremities and upwards. You get the sensation of a rolling wave. This procedure influences the activation of lymph and blood circulation throughout entire body, the removal of excess liquid, exchange products and toxins, the eliminating of oedema, the toning up of blood vessels; overall it provides a complex therapeutic effect. We have to note that after a compression session your immune system and stress resistance increase tremendously.
A compression session improves venous blood circulation, activates exchange processes in the skin and fat cells, has spasmolitic and vaso-dilating effects, and cures varicose veins. Because its influence on the body is very gentle, compression therapy is greatly recommended for those patients who cannot perform lymph drainage through electrostimulation, ultrasound, and electrophoresis on muscle tissues.
Compression therapy is recommended as a cure for different kinds of oedema, paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteohondrosis, post traumatic affection, neuralgias, depressions, neurosis, bowel indisposition, prostate problems, men’s impotency and other diseases. It can also help in reducing surplus weight, cellulite, and in shaping the figure.
The combination of compression and wrapping therapies produces amazing results. Before the procedure they put sea weed cream or mask on your skin, then they wrap you in a special cosmetic wrap and finally dress you in a presso-costume resulting in a double effect. The third component of the procedure is rest and pleasant feelings. The psycho-emotional state after the procedure gives one a considerable healing and cosmetic effects. Health, cheerfulness, lightness, and joy of living – these are the feelings after the procedures.
This is the information about only two methods of restoration of your health and good mood that the Art of Life suggests. I would like to tell you more about the special warm atmosphere in the Centre, where you would be able to receive a boost in your energy; tell you about new European equipment in it etc. In a nutshell: the Art of Life enables you to find balance and harmony in thoughts, feelings, and sound body.
If you wish to experience it come and enjoy! You will be glad you did!
Galina Kyreyeva,
The ART of LIFE Health Centre
Where Your Healing Happens!
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
directions: 885 Don Mills Road
at the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
phone: 416-449-6747
e-mail: office @
website: links:Choose Youth, Good Spirits and Health!
Introduction: Testimonials
Part 1: Thermotherapy
Part 2: Compression Therapy
by Galina Kyreyeva