The Art of Life Community Health Centre Toronto Open House
Community Health Centre
Invites you to attend our OPEN HOUSE
Day: Monday, April 4, 2011
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
You will receive information about our unique diagnostic and treatment programs, coffee, tea, cookies, and a traditional education lecture:
Giftedness or ADD Syndrome:Lecturer: Kyrill Biba, PhD, Registered Acupuncture Practitioner and Homeopath
How to Understand and How to Help?
The lecture will cover the following topics:
[ V ] What is ADD/ADHD?
[ V ] What are the possible causes of ADD/ADHD behavior?
[ V ] In what cases can natural remedies help hyperactive children or children suffering from ADD and why?
[ V ] How does an integrated therapeutic and psychological approach could help to alleviate the symptoms and improve the social adaptation of these children?
Please join us for this important lecture and discover how you can help hyperactive children or children suffering from ADD.
Location: Suite 121, 885 Don Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
Entrance to the free parking is from Gervais Drive via Wynford Drive
Get a map and/or directions:
Google Map: 885 Don Mills Road
At the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
If you need more information,
give a call to Ludmila at 416-449-6747
or send us an e-mail at
or check our web-site:
Please come when you like, learn about our centre, meet our doctors, ask questions.
Feel free to pass this on to friends and colleagues.
Wikipedia: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
KidsLife: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - Natural Treatment
Reviewed and Edited by Di Strang and Fran Music.
TheArtofLifeCenter: Developing Healthier Relationships with Your Children: New 10 Week Course
ABCOntario: The Association for Bright Children of Ontario
Next Toronto Chapter Meetings
Mark in your calendar these 2 Toronto Chapter sessions to be held at your local Toronto Public Libraries.
Runnymede Library (west end of Toronto)
Tues. Apr 5
7:00 - 8:15 pm
Pape/Danforth Library (east end of Toronto)
Wed. May 11
7:00 - 8:15 pm
Please RSVP noting # of adults and if you require child care.