10 week course "Developing Healthier Relationships with Your Children"
with Stephen Dubrofsky M.A., M.Ed., starts November 3, 2010
We invite you to attend
new 10 week course that starts on
Wednesday, November 3rd, at 6:30 pm
Developing Healthier Relationships
with Your Children
with Stephen Dubrofsky M.A., M.Ed.,
Family Counselor, Education Therapist
Whether you want to create dynamic and positive shifts within your family or learn how to awaken the strengths within your Child –
this course is for you.
Do not miss a chance to change your life!
To register please call (416) 449-6747 or e-mail at office@theartlife.ca
Location: Suite 121, 885 Don Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
Entrance to the free parking is from Gervais Drive via Wynford Drive
Get a map and/or directions:
Google Map: 885 Don Mills Road
At the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
Developing Healthier Relationships with Your Children
Workshop Outline
- The power of change – identify an area for change
- Dynamics of our children
- Tools for communication
- Parenting styles
- How we learn
- Brain Gym / Bal-a-Vis-X (Balance Audio Visual Exercise)
- Management and motivation / positive discipline
- The effects of media on our children
- Cultivating balance through nutrition and exercise
- Balancing work & family life
This ten week workshop is about developing our leadership skills. It is a step by step process where upon completion you have the opportunity to create your own Family/Life plan.
This program when put into practice is guaranteed to facilitate dynamic and transformational shifts for the family.
"A Teacher affects eternity,
He/She can never tell where
their influence stops."
Henry Adams
So now you may ask who falls into that category of "Teacher". Of course, our first thought by definition is our classroom teacher. Then, there is the parent, the grandparent, the aunt or uncle, the babysitter and the next-door neighbor.
We are hearing this term more and more often, "It takes a village to raise a child."
We know, however, that any caregiver who plays a role in the development of a child is considered their teacher.
The changing paradigm includes creating an environment where both you and your child are comfortable to learn, to share, and to be. It is about being a good watcher, listener and facilitator. It is about giving as well as receiving.
"Teaching" is about creating a practice, which includes the development of the mind, body and spirit. In the development of a life practice, we look to incorporate, a self-practice, a learning practice, a practice that nurtures positive relationships. and a practice of following our intuition.
The new picture is about understanding the role the body plays (a sensory experience) and the role the mind plays, (thoughts and interpretations of our senses), the role that spirit plays, (decision making and discernment regarding who we are as unique human beings and what we are here to accomplish).
"Teaching" is about developing structure, organization and setting limits. It is about adapting our teaching/parenting/management style to the temperaments and learning styles of our children. It is about acknowledging the art and science of learning and to get to know our students unique interests and abilities. It is about seeing ourselves as counselors, guides and motivators based on the information that they tell us about themselves.
"Teaching" is about working to get a better understanding of who we are, learning to look inside and work with those things that block our abilities to achieve our goals and look for the ways that will nurture our relationships with our kids.
Each and every time we learn something new about ourselves and put it into PRACTICE, then we are becoming more effective teachers.
This is "EMPOWERMENT" and this is who we are as "TEACHERS".
2012 New 4 Week Course
Opening up the Door of Creating Healthier Relationships with Your Kids
Family Counseling Course for the Parents of
Gifted Children and Children with Special Needs
with Stephen Dubrofsky, M.A., M.Ed., Family Counselor, Education Therapist
Starts: Monday, June 18, 2012 at 6:30pm
The Art of Life Community Health Centre
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121, Toronto M3C 1V9
Individual consultations can be scheduled upon request.
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