Would you like to live without pain?
A complex approach to the treatment of arthritis
The ART of LIFE Health Centre
Invites you to attend our OPEN HOUSE
Day: Monday, December 1, 2008
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
You will get a FREE 15 min. massage, as well as information
about our treatments and programs, coffee, herbal tea, juices, cookies,
and a health education lecture:
"Would you like to live without pain?Time: 7:00 - 7:45 pm
A complex approach to the treatment of arthritis
Including unique European physiotherapy
now available in Canada"
Lecturer: Liudmyla Gerus, Naturopathic Doctor.
The lecture with an enhanced question and answer session will cover the possible causes of different types of arthritis and the optimal approaches to their treatment.
Location: The ART of LIFE HEALTH Centre
Address: Suite 121, 885 Don Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
Entrance to the free parking is from Gervais Drive via Wynford Drive
Get a map and/or directions:
Google Map: 885 Don Mills Road
At the North-East corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East
Taking public transit?
Take the Yonge-University-Spadina subway line to the Eglinton station and transfer to the Eglinton East (route 34) bus. Get off at Don Mills Road.
Or, take the Bloor-Danforth subway line to the Pape station and transfer to the Don Mills (route 25) bus. Get off at Wynford Drive.
Our neigbours are the Ontario Science Centre and Celestica International Inc. manufacturing site.
If you need more information,
give a call to Ludmila at 416-449-6747
or send us an e-mail at office@theartlife.ca
or check our web-site: www.TheArtLife.ca
Please come when you like, learn about our centre, meet our doctors, ask questions.
Feel free to pass this on to friends and colleagues:
The Art of Life Health Center: The Complex Approach to the Treatment of Arthritis: Open House
Art of Life Health Center Naturopathy's Web Page
Open House: Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Open House: Our New Treatment: Lymph Drainage Therapy
Open House: Maintain Ideal Weight and Health
Open House: Treatment Back and Neck Pain
Open House: Repetitive Stress Injuries Treatment
Open House: Detoxification Program For You
Open House: New Approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Registered Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario: Gerus Liudmyla, North York
OAND: Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors: Find a Naturopathic Doctor
OAND: What naturopathic doctors do for individual patients:
[v] Clinical Nutrition
[v] Botanical/Herbal Medicine
[v] Homeopathy
[v] Physical Therapy
[v] Asian Medicine & Acupuncture
[v] Lifestyle Counselling
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