Shocked Away Pain: Heel Spur, Elbow or Shoulder Pain, Arthritis and much more
Part 1: Testimonials
My heel spurs were so painful, that it used to be torture to walk even 100 meters. I had been suffering from that pain for more than two years. When I had heard the information about Radial Shockwave Therapy from a TV program, I had already tried every treatment that my family physician was able to recommend to me, including a cortisone shot. To be honest, I did not believe, that there was anything except surgery, that could stop my suffering. I can not even explain now what made me listen to my wife and call for an appointment in The Art of Life Health Centre. Exactly three weeks after I received my first treatment, I was able to walk for an hour, almost without any pain. Now, four months later, I don’t feel any pain in my heel. Currently, my wife and I are attending this centre for a very effective detoxification and weight loss programs. It is really unique place!
Vlad B.
I was treated with Radial Shockwave Therapy at The Art of Life Health Clinic for about one month. I had chronic plantar fasciitis for more than three years. I tried every treatment I could find for this problem, and Shockwave Therapy was my last hope. Miracles do happen! My pain has disappeared completely. I was so happy that I came back to the clinic to demonstrate that I am able to dance again!
Erin G.
The pain in my elbow was so bad, that I could not even sleep. When my family doctor referred me for a new physiotherapeutic treatment, I was so glad that did not even ask him for any information regarding it. I simply made a telephone call to book the first available appointment at The Art of Life clinic. When I shared with my co-workers my hope to be healed from my two year old problem at the mentioned health centre, their reaction was not encouraging at all. They were very suspicious about that new European equipment and were trying to convince me not be so easy caught by marketing tricks. They even checked all the information about Radial Shockwave Therapy that they were able to find online. All of us were surprised with the medical statistics showing successful results after those treatments being provided. Everybody agreed that I should give it a try. I received three treatments, and then, three weeks later - the fourth one. After the first two first treatments I got some inflammation. I knew from my conversation with the practitioner, that it could happen, and yet I was about to give up that experiment. It was my friends who asked me not do that. After the third treatment I was already able to sleep without painkillers. A few weeks later I went back to playing tennis. (I had stopped playing three years ago). I think, the public should be getting more information about the medical market and new developments from all over the world.
Fred D.
My frozen shoulder was giving me a hard time for at least four years. Every year I had to spend a couple of thousands dollars over and above my extended health care benefits for physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage. Even cortisone shots did not work anymore. Then my physician told me about a new European treatment called Radial Shockwave Therapy. Although I did not believe that anything except surgery could help me, I decided to try it. I had only two and a half months before the date when I was booked for surgery. I underwent three sessions with Shockwave Therapy. The pain was there, and I decided to go for the operation. Two months later I got a phone call from the hospital reminding me about the scheduled surgery and was shocked at that moment. I realized that there was no more pain in my shoulder. I had completely forgotten about it! I can not even tell exactly when that happened. Now I am coming to the clinic to get an absolutely unique treatment for the arthritis in my knees.
John F.
I received my first treatments with Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy five years ago in Israel. I had a really bad heel spur at that time. It was completely eliminated after five treatments. That is why when I was told that I had a calcification of my knee joint, I new what to look for on the internet. I was so glad that Radial Shockwave Therapy was now available in Toronto too. I already knew that Swiss Dolorclast Radial Shockwave Therapy was the most well known and medically tested equipment that famous athletes were using all over the world. I found it in The Art of Life Health Centre. Three treatments were enough to get me back to competitions in dancing. Many thanks to the professionals in that centre! Now I know how to get fast, effective and economical solutions for my health problems.
Victoria K.
That was fast! The pain was gone just after the first treatment, but came back in four days when I started to play golf. I recalled that physiotherapist told me not to use my elbow during the period of treatment. I came back to the clinic and received two more sessions with Shockwave Therapy. Four weeks later I did not feel any discomfort at all in my elbow. I am ready for the golf season!Shocked Away Pain: Part 1: Testimonials
Michael J.
Shocked Away Pain: Part 2: Non-Surgical Treatment Options
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1 comment:
Amazing services! I wish I live in Toronto to get help from your centre.
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