Managing and Curing Your Pain
The Epoch Times: B3 - Health, Dec 16 - 22, 2010
Managing and Curing Your Pain
Regrettably to say that almost 30% of all Canadians experience chronic physical pain. The more deeply the problem progresses, the more our social and physical activities suffer; eventually this reflects on our career and income. Despite these facts, most of the time we don’t even go to the doctor! Little by little we give in to the pain, changing our life style accordingly, learning how to avoid painful activities and movements. We resort to pain killer several times a day just to obtain relief for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, in this way we pollute our bodies with harmful toxins, which in the long term will double the pain we might otherwise experience.
Role of Pain Management
It is a well-known fact that the body does not represent the organism with random messages. Every body sensation has its own natural function and goal – in case of pain and discomfort, that goal is to attract our attention to a site which needs our immediate help. Pain is an S.O.S. signal, a warning signal of danger that needs to be heard and correctly interpreted. Clearly, then, our attempts to ignore or suppress the pain are not very practical.
What is the role of pain management? The ideal situation would be to alleviate the cause of the myriad pain symptoms and syndromes. In the face of today’s lifestyles and habits, this can be a complex issue; however, there are many new aspects in research and development of therapies which can change the way we treat and manage our acute and chronic body pain.
The Art of Life Community Health Centre
We at The Art of Life, Toronto’s non-for-profit community health centre, intensely study comprehensive pain management technologies from Canada, Europe, Japan and Israel. With the frequent acquisition of newly-developed equipment, the great team of our therapists is able to offer to our patients state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies and equipment that in combination with naturopathic and homeopathic practices, modern physiotherapeutic machines, as well as with unique types of medicinal and sport massage will not only just manage your pain but also, it will cure your problems and as a result, pain will disappear.
Back and Shoulder Pain
As an example, let us take a look at back and shoulder pain. Virtually every individual of any age, occupying any one of thousands of careers, working at a desk and especially, in front of a computer for the whole day, as well as participating in various sport and physical activities, is likely to suffer from periodic or chronic back and shoulder pain would benefit from professional health care. This pain could originate from many sources: an old injury which was never treated, a recent strain on an already weak or damaged muscle, even broken bones that were not healed properly. Other possible causes may include damaged vertebrae, hernia, muscle contraction, ligament or fascia inflammation and calcification, to name a few.
Disk Degeneration or Spinal Hernia
Do you have disk degeneration or spinal hernia? A new generation of physiotherapeutic equipment based on a very low frequency pulsating magnetic field combined with the newest infrared technology (880 nanometers (nm)) shows extraordinary results for these diagnoses. This dual action delivered by the Combitron (combined magnetic biostimulation and infrared rays’ device) provides a whole spectrum of achievements. It will halt the ongoing inflammation process or degenerative disk changes in your vertebrae. Moreover, it will stimulate the detoxification of the affected area and promote regeneration of new and healthy issue. According to a recent study, anti-inflammatory effect of healing with the Combitron is several times faster than any other type of low-frequency electromagnetic therapy. In most cases, at the same time the symptoms of pain are considerably reduced or completely eliminated after just two treatments as the afferent signals from peripheral tissue causing the pain are being blocked.
In our next article we will help you to find relief from chronic pain using other therapeutic solutions of The Art of Life Community Health Centre.
theartlife.ca/blog: Successful Pain Management and Treatment of Pain: Part 2
wikipedia.org: Pain management
Pain management (also called pain medicine; algiatry) is a branch of medicine employing an interdisciplinary approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of those living with pain...
Stanford Medicine » School of Medicine » Research » Clinical Trials Directory : Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Electromagnetic Therapy (TMR ) in Humans
cpa.ca: “Psychology Works” Facts Sheet: Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Management CPM - AIM Health Group
Talk to your doctor about CPM Centres for Pain Management - www - www.cpm-centres.com.
montrealgazette.com: 1 in 10 younger Canadians experience chronic pain
About 1.5 million Canadians aged 12 to 44 reported experiencing chronic pain between 2007-08, according to the data. Of them, women were more likely to report experiencing chronic pain, with 12 per cent experiencing discomfort compared to nine per cent of men.
By Rebecca Lindell, Postmedia News December 16, 2010
This new generation of therapy - combined treatment of pulsed magnetic bio-stimulation and infrared rays (880 nm) - gives us the whole range of benefits:
* Increased effectiveness through combined application
* Deep penetration and safe application
* Wide range of indications
* Accelerated healing process and proven effective
The device can be used to target a specific area, or to treat the entire body. This therapy with a wide range of indications can be used for:
* Physical Therapy - muscular strains, sport injuries, muscular atrophy, contusions, various ulcers, circulatory disorders, bursitis, degenerative indications
* Orthopedic Disorders - acute and chronic spinal diseases, spasms, non union fractures, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia
* Neurological Disorders - Neuralgia, Neuritis, Migraine, Diabetic neuropathy, painful nerve inflammation, Herpes zoster
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
(416) 449-6747
Visits: 272
Pain management (also called pain medicine; algiatry) is a branch of medicine employing an interdisciplinary approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of those living with pain...
Stanford Medicine » School of Medicine » Research » Clinical Trials Directory : Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Electromagnetic Therapy (TMR ) in Humans
cpa.ca: “Psychology Works” Facts Sheet: Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain Management CPM - AIM Health Group
Talk to your doctor about CPM Centres for Pain Management - www - www.cpm-centres.com.
montrealgazette.com: 1 in 10 younger Canadians experience chronic pain
About 1.5 million Canadians aged 12 to 44 reported experiencing chronic pain between 2007-08, according to the data. Of them, women were more likely to report experiencing chronic pain, with 12 per cent experiencing discomfort compared to nine per cent of men.
By Rebecca Lindell, Postmedia News December 16, 2010
This new generation of therapy - combined treatment of pulsed magnetic bio-stimulation and infrared rays (880 nm) - gives us the whole range of benefits:
* Increased effectiveness through combined application
* Deep penetration and safe application
* Wide range of indications
* Accelerated healing process and proven effective
The device can be used to target a specific area, or to treat the entire body. This therapy with a wide range of indications can be used for:
* Physical Therapy - muscular strains, sport injuries, muscular atrophy, contusions, various ulcers, circulatory disorders, bursitis, degenerative indications
* Orthopedic Disorders - acute and chronic spinal diseases, spasms, non union fractures, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia
* Neurological Disorders - Neuralgia, Neuritis, Migraine, Diabetic neuropathy, painful nerve inflammation, Herpes zoster
885 Don Mills Road, Suite 121, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3C 1V9
(416) 449-6747
Visits: 272
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